Bergama Granite

Registration Number : 271
Date of Registration: { 12.12.2017
Application No : C2016 / 023
Application Date : 01.04.2016
Name of Geographical Indication : Bergama Granite
Product Name : Granite
Type of Geographical Indication : Mahreç Indication Bergama
Applicant : Chamber of Commerce
Address of Applicant            Location: Barbaros Mah. 35700 Bergama / İZMİR
Geographical Border : Kozak Plateau in Bergama District of Izmir Province
Usage : Marking

Product Description and Distinguishing Features:

Granite is an intrusive magmatic rock which is especially mentioned in the mining sector under the title of marble and natural stones. Granite has a holocrystalline and granular structure. As with all marble and natural stones, the main distinguishing factor in granite is color and texture. As can be seen in the nomenclature of the products listed below, the color and texture of the granites obtained from Kozak Plateau of Bergama district of İzmir distinguish Bergama Granite from other granite products and constitute the main reason for its preference.

In the mineralogical structure of Bergama Granite, 7 chemicals are mentioned. Percentage of chemical components such as silicon dioxide, aluminum oxide, calcium oxide, magnesium oxide, sodium oxide, potassium oxide, containing oxygen and silicon are detailed below.

Physical, mechanical and technological properties of Pergamum Granite (hardness, volume, compressive strength, abrasion resistance, etc.) and their unit values are stated in the table below and show all the properties of granite in detail.

The density, water absorption, compressive strength, bending strength and abrasion values of Bergama Granite are as follows.

Production Method:

People working in granite quarries in Kozak Plateau of Bergama district of İzmir divides the granite blocks into various sizes with air compressor drills without going to the quarries . Divided blocks are loaded into trucks with the help of an excavator called loader, and transported to sensitive cracking and cutting factories. In the crushing process, granite blocks are prepared as cube stone and paving stone. In the cutting process, granite is turned into a plate with precision cutting devices. Thus, granite is produced for use in pavements, gardens and houses in factories, domestic market and other European countries .After the production stage, granites are placed in suitable crates of different sizes in order to maintain their quality and they are ready for shipment.